Tuesday 6 August 2013

Here we go again ......

Another day ...

Here I am again, trying to make head or tail of this place called Bloggerland - I really thought I had it sussed - I started a blog in February, and managed to put up photos and posts - but for  some reason - although I can still see it I cannot, for life of me, open it up and add to it.  I obviously peaked early with it!!  So here we go again - I'm hoping I will have more success at keeping track of this little venture and I will try and blog more regularly - I think Sandie will be pleased to hear that!

So a little about me - I enjoy scrapbooking, inking and painting, making mini-books, taking photos (although sadly right now my camera is in Nikon hospital and I have to make a decision whether to have it mended or upgrade it).  I'm not excellent or extremely talented but I enjoy playing and have lots of fun alone, and with friends, in a glue-y, paint-y world of fun!

I'm a great fan of UKS (UK Scrappers) where I have made lots of on-line friends, some of whom I have now met.  

I also love doing Shimelle's classes and through those classes I met one of my dearest crafty friends - Sandie - we are like clones in all we love and do - when I really get the hang of this I will be linking to her blog very regularly as I love reading her updates.  Had hoped to add a photo or two to this post but I just need to concentrate on writing for now and will come back and put some photos on later - especially as I have to post my 5 in 5 for Sandie for July - which is why I spent most of last month trying to track down my blog - I mean I could see it but it would not let me post on it - given up now - and this will have to do for me now.

Well best I chase my little darlings around the house for a while to tire them out before bed (the youngest is 12!!!) and get them to tidy away their stuff at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You are back and I have found you! I love your chatty posts Pauline and I'm so glad you have dived in again. I have a big smile.
    I hope you get your Nikon back soon, I'd be lost without my camera and I know you feel that too. Looking forward to many more blogland visits !
